YE Gibraltar Company of the Year 2023 Winners:

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Produce a 1 minute max video showcasing
why you signed up to take part,
what you are most looking forward to and
key skills you are looking to develop.
Post your entries on Instagram with the hashtag #MyYESkills23 and
tag @yegibraltar and @YoungEnterpriseUK for your chance to win £100!
Young Enterprise Gibraltar Company Programme Finals 2022

Young Enterprise Gibraltar Company Programme Finals 2020
One of the main objects of the Company Programme is to see how the young entrepreneurs react to uncertainties that businesses face on a day to day basis. The business community is currently facing an incredible challenge like never before.
This year's teams persevered, thinking "outside the box" and coming up with solutions to pivot their products and services to adapt to circumstances and make it to the finals.
For the first time in YE history, the final was held online with 3 judges interviewing the 7 teams virtually.
After an intense day and a live streaming of the results, the YE Gibraltar Company Programme 2020 winners were:
Company of the Year - Fuze
Runner up - Zen Vitality
Best Virtual Interaction - Monkey Business
Best Digital Presence - M.I.N.D
Best video - DayOne
Young Enterprise Gibraltar Company Launch 2020

With employers increasingly looking for people who are innovative, creative and adaptable, and who have the ability to apply these skills and attitudes in any role, the Company Programme provides the opportunity for young people in Gibraltar to develop these skills and provides a strong foundation for their futures.
The students try to find solutions to everyday problems with their products and throughout the year with the help of volunteer Link Teachers and Business Advisors will learn a range of key business skills from applying for a corporate bank account, to writing Board resolutions, brainstorming ideas and how to pitch, sell and market these.
At the end of the academic year each team will present their business, its progress, challenges, experiences and results to a panel of judges. A winning team will be selected who will then have the opportunity to compete with other finalists from across the UK and the Channel Islands in the UK.
Young Enterprise Gibraltar launched this year’s businesses at the new Westside school with students from Westside, Bayside and Prior Park taking part. This year the teams continue to focus on predominant local and worldwide issues including mental and physical wellbeing, the environment and developing young people’s education.

The launch at Westside School marked the unveiling of this year’s line-up and products to the student's family members and local dignitaries. The event gave the young entrepreneurs the chance to network, market research to improve and develop their businesses and secure some vital pre-orders.
Chairman of the Gibraltar Young Enterprise Carlos Garcia opened the event at Westside School.
“This year amongst this Young Enterprise Company Programme and other junior programmes held in the schools, there are over 1,100 students taking part in Young Enterprise, supported by the Board, the Department of Education and the help of our volunteers from the business community who give their time to support, coach and provide the reality of business in to this environment.”
“Young Enterprise will prepare you to be different to anyone else attending the same interviews. Students will be able to talk about their journey, how they have been a Managing Director at the age of 16 and paid dividends to their shareholders.”
No Time Like The Future
To celebrate the launch of our NoTimeLikeTheFuture UK campaign - we've created a short film following the stories of 3 young people who have transformed their futures. Big thanks to Toasttv Woodhousetv & Sevenhills.
Young Enterprise Gibraltar Finals.
Ten incredible teams made it to the YE Gibraltar finals which took place on the 11th June 2019. All ten teams presented their company and products with integrity and we feel privileged to be a part of a community with such inspiring and promising young adults.

FEB -18
Young Enterprise celebrates its 10th Anniversary
The Young Enterprise marked its 10th anniversary at the Convent Ballroom highlighting ‘vital’ contributions the programme has made to a generation of local students.
The event recognised the work put in by many members of the community over the past decade. It was attended by key individuals including; Sharon Davies, Deputy CEO, Young Enterprise, The Governor Lieutenant General, Edward Davis, Carlos Garcia, Chairman of Young Enterprise Gibraltar, The Minister for Education, John Cortes and James Gaggero, Chairman of Bland Group International.
It was a great evening and the perfect opportunity to recognise the hard work of important volunteers who have contributed greatly to the programme over the years.
Awards were presented to James Gaggero, Maria Antonia Brooks, Danny Gabay, Sharon Davies, Sylvana Benrimoj, Analise Benitez, Javier Diaz, Yamal Sebtaoui and Nicola Howes, for their contributions to the Young Enterprise.
Read more about the event which was covered in the Gibraltar Chronicle online and in print.
Young Enterprise Teams launch their products
On the 16th January the students shared their emerging businesses with friends, family and members of the public at the Company launch held at the Med Rowing club.
The event saw diverse and dynamic ideas with varying business models from service-led to product based. The companies’ unveiled businesses in delivery services, a pillow power pack, a children’s activity book with an eco friendly message, a mobile phone privacy screen protector and biodegradable shopping bags.
The event was also attended by the Minster for Education, John Cortes, who praised the students for the great presentation of their business and strong sale pitches.

Young Enterprise Masterclass on Logistics and Supply Chain
Eddie Asquez, Head of Logistics at Bland Group International, delivered a Young Enterprise Masterclass session on Logistics and Supply Chain on Wednesday 15th November.
Young Enterprise Logo Competition
Win £100!
Have a go and be in with a chance to win £100!
In 2018, Young Enterprise Gibraltar, will celebrate its 10th anniversary. To mark the occasion Young Enterprise Gibraltar announces a competition, open to all students under the age of 18, to create a special design, using our current logo, to celebrate our 10th Anniversary.
The prize for the winning entry is £100. The logo will be used to mark the 10th anniversary which can be used throughout 2018 and will be used on the Young Enterprise, Gibraltar website, social media sites, business cards, letterhead, posters, or anywhere else the Young Enterprise Gibraltar chooses. The competition will open on 12th December and close on 10th January 2018.
All entries, which can be submitted in any form, must be submitted either via email admin@youngenterprisegibraltar.com or by hand to the School reception.
Read the Rules:

Young Enterprise Masterclass on Marketing!
Nuria Saccone, Head of Destination Services at Blands Travel, delivered a Young Enterprise Masterclass session on Marketing on Wednesday 18th October. Students from across the schools who are taking part in the Young Enterprise Company Programme were joined by Nuria who provided an introduction to Marketing.
An influential individual within the Travel and Tourism industry in Gibraltar, with over 15 years of experience, Nuria highlighted the importance of a good marketing plan to the students and broke the presentation into 4 parts focusing on;
Marketing in a nutshell – The definition of marketing and why it is vital in the life cycle of a product
Applying methods – Marketing Mix; 4 P’s, Market Research, Consumer behaviour, Competitor Analysis
Communication – Traditional Vs contemporary approach and digital marketing
Branding – Success factors of having a successful brand
View more here.

Young Enterprise Masterclasses are back!
Students attend the first Masterclass on Products and Services as the Young Enterprise Company Programme commences.
View Press Release
"Young Enterprise goes from strength to strength" - B2B Gibraltar
B2B recently spoke to YE Chairman, Carlos Garcia about the Young Enterprise scheme on the Rock.